The faces behind the stories!

The faces behind the stories!
My little Loves.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Matthew is a little Prayer Warrior

I've been a bit under the weather. My nose is sounding terrible tonight, and both of my boys noticed as I was putting them to bed. Matthew decided he wanted to pray for me to get better. He said, "Give me your hand Mama." (which is what I do when I am praying for them, "Give me your hand.")

Here is his sweet prayer:

"Dear Jesus, We wuv you, thank you for our mama. Please make her sick go away and make her all better. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!"

and he leans in for a hug.... melted my heart, and I felt so loved.

The cute part is...that is the first time he has prayed for someone to feel better. Typically he is praying for a meal and he says, "Dear Jesus, we wuv you, thank you for our food."... So, when he got to the "We wuv you, thank you for" part... there was a slight pause as I know his brain wanted to say, "our food"... and he had to change it up to "our mama." I loved that moment of learning to change up his prayers... he was brave in taking on that task... he's only 3!! I'm a blessed woman.


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