This is our friend Jimmy... He was Joe's homework this week. We were to use anything we had around the house to decorate him. Joe and I got a great idea of using fruit loops... then, I didn't like using only crazy fruit loop colors, so I suggested our chocolate milk mix... We wanted the wings to be a bit different, so coffee came into the picture!
Out came the glue and the q-tips for glue painting. Plastic cups for sorting fruit loops, and a knife to use for crushing them up (a butter knife and under supervision of course!)... Joe LOVED the job of crushing the fruit loops... and I was glad he enjoyed me doing the glue painting... because, I'm a control freak and I wanted it to be neat! Ha ha ha, just being honest.
When we were done with the turkey, we had plastic cups full of different colored fruit loops, a bit of chocolate milk powder and a tiny bit of coffee. Joe decided he would make a potion that would make him have ice cream in his hand. Yes, that is what HE said. So, everything got mixed into one cup, we added a touch of diet coke, a touch of hazelnut creamer, milk, and apple juice. He mixed the concoction with pride. Matthew was watching the whole time and decided HE wanted to drink it!
I switched my camera from pictures to video and away we went! Here are some potion pics and the video will be added once I upload it to YouTube!
Last night, after my kids were FINALLY in bed for good, I cried. I felt frustrated and I felt like I had slipped down to the bottom of the parenting ladder in my own behavior. To go from THAT to his FUN time with my boys was such a blessing to me. Joe told me he thought I was the coolest mom for letting him make the potion and "Even use a KNIFE as my stirring stick!"
All is well in this moment... in this second... but I know the full picture is a true work out up and down that "ladder" I mentioned. DEEP BREATH... here we GOOOOOO!!! lol
A few more pics:
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