The faces behind the stories!

The faces behind the stories!
My little Loves.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can I say these words?

I'm back from Mom2Mom leadership retreat. There is a TON I could say about it, but I'm seriously thankful for making bonds with beautiful women and being reminded of just how the Lord sees me. I have always been VERY Hard on myself and these women really poured out love on me and I'm thankful!

Today we had a special time doing a "Crosswalk"... There were different stations where we'd read something about how the Lord sees us, or about our character... how the cross relfects or should reflect in our lives. I got to a station that had this:

I sat in tears... That's hard to pray/say. It's not all true. If I am honest, I would have had to say "Nicole is not always patient" and "Nicole is not always not provoked." Now, those were my two hardest to read with out crying. Mostly because of my "Little loves." I want to be a good mom SO BADLY and I feel like I struggle so much more than I EVER thought I would!

THe truth of the matter is... The Lord loves me. HE LOVES ME. There is no "He loves me not" with God. No matter how strongly I can say those things or how the tears roll because I know I've failed... HE LOVES ME!!! I am worth it to Him.

So, I came to realize... I can fill myself up with cement (aka: self doubt, self condemnation, etc) that will weigh me down from ever growing in those things... Or, I can tell the devil to take a hike, he has no place here any longer and I am standing in awe of the amazing cross that said, "I DO NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT!"


I'm thankful that the Lord sees my heart. It is my desire to read those words with my name and have them ALL be true with out doubt. In reality... only Christ could say those in truth 100% of the time. I have to remember I'm not the only one who falls short.

My prayer is that my every day life impacts a life every day.
God Bless.


  1. i had a hard time with this one too. i must have repeated those words at least 5 times in a prayful way. i'm going to write it down this way on a note card and keep it handy, praying it until it is true.

  2. When I sat down next to you at that station you warned me, but I thought you were warning me about your tears. I remember saying, "I'm not afraid of that". Then I read those words and felt the same conviction and difficulty at inserting my name. So glad you took a picture of that Nicole. Great reminder for all of us :-)
