(Side Note: I completely didn't realize I had already posted some pictures from Sonoma when I did this blog! Man, I'm losing my mind! I'll leave it here anyway because most of the pictures are new!)
Here are some pictures from our trip up to Sonoma and Thanksgiving with the Hardin(Hardister/Querin) bunch! (Oh my goodness, I have about 400 pictures, it's so hard to just pick a few!)

We took the kids to the park to play... I LOVED all the fall colors in the trees behind them as they looked into the Koi pond!
Joe and his "Cat Head" shaped leaf!

"Hey Mama, Look at my acorn collections!"

Little Miss Squishy Face. We had just taken her pigtails down and she is the perfect little "Cheese" ham for the camera!

That handsome hunk in the middle is Abel, my cousin Cynthia's son. He's just about the sweetest little guy, and so brave runnin around with all the big guys! When they ran past him and bumped his shoulders around a bit, he just stood there and laughed!

The leaves... I don't know what it is about fall leaves, but it just speaks "comfort" to my heart. I absolutely LOVE all the colors we got to see!

Charlie does NOT like his picture taken! I didn't get as many of him this trip because he is REALLY good at avoiding a great shot! ha ha ha
He climbed on up to have a look outside. Made me want to have bay windows in my house because he was just so cute jumping up there and enjoying the view!

Even though the men started playing a really loud game, he snoozed on the couch. This was a sign that Matthew really didn't feel well, poor guy.
If you look close, you can see the orange splat on the wall... My mom let Joe get the rotten eggs out of the chicken coop and throw them at the wall. He LOVED that job!
So many other shots I could share, but we had a fantastic time being with my family! Dada even got to join us for a day and then we all drove home together! If you're on Facebook, you can check out more pictures there! I have about 80 of them up from the trip! ;)
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