Ok, so when I planned this trip to Sonoma a month or so ago... I didn't plan on Matthew having Pneumonia. SUCH a bummer for my poor little bubba, but he is being incredibly sweet through it all. Our "Adventure" to Sonoma started off on the wrong foot...See, we were leaving Wednesday morning and I had planned to get up at like 4am and get us on the road by 5. Well, about 12, Matthew woke up coughing so bad he couldn't breath. He eventually threw up in trying to catch a breath. After that, he stood there saying "owe" and gasping for breath between "Owe's." My heart was broken for him and I did all that I could to help him calm down. Eventually, he got a bit of rest in my bed. So, Joe came in to go potty at 4am and I decided to go ahead and still get up, having gotten 3 hours of sleep. I wanted to get us on the road early so we could get there before it was already dark again.... the story continues...

We didn't end up on the road until 6am, and by that time it seemed that all of Southern CA was also on the road! It took us 3 hours to drive what should have taken 1.5. Matthew began to struggle with his breathing, so I pulled over to get him some hot water with honey. Good Ol Denny's helped us out! He was soothed and we went on.
I called Kaiser as we were driving down the freeway(s), and they really wanted to see him. So, I scheduled an appointment in Vallejo, which is about 30 minutes from where my parents live. That is where we found out, my little guy has pneumonia. Poor guy really DID NOT feel good. He got his antibiotics and his cough syrup and off we went.
Joe's bed in the RV is the place of choice to watch some TV and relax with all of their "friends."
Charlie came in and all the boys were making their own buildings.
Miss Jacki joined in the party... She and Matthew seem to gravitate towards each other more, and Charlie always heads towards Joe.
He got out and got some sunshine! He's really been a trooper, and stayed a pretty happy guy (except for when the coughing spells hit and his lungs/throat hurts).
We found the PERFECT friend for Joe... this little hen can outrun him EVERY TIME... She wore him OUT! He tried his heart out to catch up with her and there was NO chance! I love that hen! ;)
Have you ever seen the size of a shower/bath in an RV? I thought for sure they wouldn't fit in there together, but they had their hearts set on it! lol
I just absolutely loved the colors on the leaves. So pretty!
So, tonight, our adventures have brought us to a rainy night... sleeping in an RV. The boys are sound asleep, and I am not hearing coughing Praise The Lord!! Matthew is getting better and they were both WORN OUT today with all of their fun. I'm enjoying the sound of the rain on the RV, and getting ready to hopefully catch up on some sleep...uninterrupted maybe?
Thank you for all of the prayers that have continued to be brought before the Lord on our behalf. We're here safely and my boys are both getting better all the time! ;) I feel so loved by all the outpouring of prayer/concern on our behalf!
G'night! ... The Mama and her two Adventurous Boys!