The faces behind the stories!

The faces behind the stories!
My little Loves.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oh my sweet boys...

Today has been kind of "a day" for me. We've had rain this week and it's been cold, and if I'm honest, I haven't come up with enough things to entertain my boys. They have boy style energy and I have not given them a constructive outlet to get it out. So, they get in trouble, and I get upset and it's an icky cycle.

Tonight, I decided to put an end to the cycle. I packed us up in the car and we drove to Walmart to walk around. We had some great conversations in the car about feelings, disappointment and letting them know they can tell me if I hurt their feelings. They just told me I'm a great Mama and I'm cute (which was SHOCKING after my recent Mama behavior! lol).

We bought a $5 movie... They were SO EXCITED to watch it. When we drove home, I told them to run upstairs and get their jammies on, and then we'd have some family time on the couch watching the movie. Well, as I was cleaning up downstairs, things just didn't sound quite right upstairs. So, I made the journey up those stairs to find havoc:

Joe had pretended to pee on Matthew's bed.... so, Matthew really DID pee on a toy of Joe's that was in his room. Joe got upset at this and spit on Matthew's face... neither of them had their jammies on.


So, the family time is denied... They both got spankins and had to spend time alone in their rooms and feel the ouch of knowing their actions cost them their movie time with Mama (Dada is out of town for work).

So, after cleaning the pee... I am in my office for a few minutes of breathing before I go back upstairs! ha ha ha  I've decided I am going to go into Joe's room, call Matthew in there and read them a book and put them to bed. I don't know that I've been the greatest at showing forgiveness/grace once the "moment" is over, and the discipline has been given... I don't keep bringing things up, but I don't make a distinct "You're forgiven" line either. So, tonight I am going to share with them that I'm sorry we had to lose our movie time and I was really looking forward to it...but we'll have a book together and we can start again in the morning.

This isn't a "funny" blog really... but, I just didn't want to forget this whole pee and spit episode... I know I will want to bring it back up sometime far down the road! ;)

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