One morning, earlier this year (I'm putting a lot of posts together tonight because it's the last day of the year and I want to sneak moments in my blog book for this year!), I was driving the boys to school when I noticed I was low on gas.
I had actually noticed the night before, but I had forgotten and did not leave myself enough time to get gas and get them to school on time. Once you've passed the one gas station by my house, there isn't another one for the 20 minute drive to their school.
So, while on the way, I prayed, "Lord, if you could please get this car to the boys' school with out running out of gas, I'd appreciate it!" Needless to say, we made it to school. As I sat there and thanked the Lord once the boys were there on time, I smiled. Why did I only ask "to get to school"... why don't I ask for what I REALLY need... I needed to get to school and then down the road to the gas station.
It reminded me of a time when I was younger. We were on a long caravan vacation and we somewhere in UT when I had a HORRIBLE earache. I was about 8, and I prayed a very simple minded prayer, "Lord, please make me any other kind of sick but this." INSTANTLY, I felt the need to throw up. I ran into the bathroom, threw up, and I was completely better... no ear ache, no stomach ache... just better. I smiled, then, and told the Lord, "Ok Lord, next time I'll just ask to be BETTER, not to be any other kind of sick."
I believe, the morning my gas was low... I made it to the school AND to the gas station on Grace, not on gas. It was LOW... I was ready for it to start puttering back in Sonoma before getting the boys to school. I know it will sound silly to some, but that's ok with me. I'm thankful that my heart believes in a God who could run my car on grace, even if there is no gas!
I'm thankful for Grace, and I'm thankful that God has a sense of humor when we don't quite think out our prayer requests before talking to him! ha ha
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