Sooo... I'm sitting at my desk doing some photo editing, when Matthew gets out of the shower. I hear a little voice, "Mama..." "Yes Matthew?" "Um Mama, my skin is falling off of my thumb and it stings, do you know why?"
I asked him to dry off and come over to me so I can have a look....
Now, Matthew takes a shower in Aaron and I's bathroom, and Joe uses the kid bathroom. Can anybody guess what happened to his thumb? I knew as soon as I saw the parallel lines on his thumb... he got my razor!! That turkey! It's up high and it's the first time he's ever done that. I grabbed my razor and it was full of hair... Matthew's hair from his head!! I look over at him, and can't find where he got it from! ha ha ha My boy has an afro like his Mama... so, the loss of hair really doesn't matter.
So, one good lesson and one good band-aid later... he'll survive... but I think I need a new razor!
I was just thinking today, "I need to get on the blog and write my last entry for 2013, so I can print my book for the year." This just might be the last entry with a fun pic of the boys and their shenanigans... It's never boring around here!
Hahaha! Boys! I've done that to myself without noticing until later, I'm laughing so hard that he used it on his head! Thankfully he didn't cut up his face trying to be like his dad. :)