The faces behind the stories!

The faces behind the stories!
My little Loves.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

This is how I walk 5 miles with my pals.

The other day, I just wanted to walk. I wanted to get a workout in, but I can't push the both of them in the stroller on the hills by my house anymore. It's about 120 pounds with both of them in it, and the hills are steep enough that my back tells me it's not a great idea. Ha ha ha So, I brought them to a mall that has a 1 mile loop, and I walked for 3 hours. Yes, 3 hours and 5 miles later (we had to go slow sometimes because of traffic)...They sat in their seats and were great boys for me! Those Leapster Explorer handheld games are a LIFE SAVER when I need them to enjoy just sitting somewhere (also great for our long drives up north!). I'm so thankful that my boys are good boys. They were sweet to let me get a walk in, and they were kind to people we passed by too!

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