The faces behind the stories!

The faces behind the stories!
My little Loves.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our Rainy Day

The boys and I have had a few tough days lately, for various reasons... which will remain nameless. lol  I heard the weather called for rain, and I was praying it would bring a calm to our property and a relaxing day. I was thankful to have nothing on the schedule, that's for sure.

The weatherman was right, it's raining... right now, it's raining HARD. It was just 90 degrees, so this is hard to believe actually.

The morning started out similar to others. About 6:20am, I heard the front door slam, and then Joe as he came running into my room with panic in his voice. He said, "Mama, I was out letting the cats out and I saw a coyote and he was going like this *insert heavy breathing here*, and HE CHASED ME!"  (Now, I don't know about you, but I'm thinkin... coyotes run away from people.) :) I told him to stay in the house, and the coyote can't get him! I wasn't ready to get up yet!

Later, as the rain picked up again, and the boys were playing Wii, Joe asked if he could go outside in the rain. My first response was, "No, not right now." When he asked again 5 minutes later, I thought "eh, why not?"... He asked if he could get his water clothes on and go run around outside. I said, "Sure."

So, as Matthew was snuggled up with "Boots" the cat, watching a movie in the warm house... Joe was running circles around our house enjoying the rain.

My instructions to Joe were, "When you're ready to be done, please do not come in the house... just let me know when you're ready and I'll help you come in!" :) We have a back door that opens to a tile floor, very close to the bathroom!  So, 5 minutes in, he came back for his rain coat... about an hour later, he was done. We got him in a hot bath to warm up that little body, where he spent another peaceful hour. :) My boy loves water.

When they were all dry and warm again, I made us toast with Nutella on it. I handed Matthew his piece and he said, "Oh, this is hot bread.... Hey, it's hot chocolate bread!" :) His little thoughts crack me up.

We're all back to playing Wii and enjoying the sound of the rain pouring in from the open front door. When Joe decided to come in, the rain had let up almost completely... so, he was a little bummed to hear it pick up stronger than ever! Thankfully, he didn't want to go back out! Ha ha ha

I love rainy days... I love my boys... and I love that everyone is made perfectly in their own way.

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