Aunti Christina blew us away again with her amazing cake! Joe requested a cake where Bowzer was chasing the Super Mario Bro's up to a castle...this is what we got! As always, it tasted amazing too! :)
We all got "Mario Shirts" for the party...I'm so bummed I forgot to have someone take pictures of the 4 of us together. My shirt has Donkey Kong and says, "Going Bananas"... I thought that was perfect for a party day! lol Aaron's shirt is Bowzer and says, "It's good to be King!"... and you can see the boys' shirts!
Uncle Curt brought a card that had kitten singing Happy Birthday in a really cute/funny voice... he wins the "Biggest Laugh" award. :) I love this picture!
One of the gifts in our "Goody Bags" for the kids were these stick on mustaches. We didn't try them on until after all our guests were gone and I was SO bummed. After seeing how cute/funny they were, I wish I had gotten all the kids to put them on for a picture! :)
I absolutely LOVE this picture! lol Matthew's little teeth look so hilarious with this mustache! I laugh every time I see it!
I was very pleased this year with Joe... He loved getting cards and he actually took the time to read them all. Sure, it helped when they had cash in them too... but he still gave attention to the ones that came with a non-cash gift. :)
More fun for the Rock wall that I grew up visiting with friends on. :) Cute to see the new generation enjoying it just like we did. Thank you to everyone who blessed Joe with Birthday gifts and love (not everyone at the party likes to be I'm keepin the guest pictures minimal!) ;)
Absolutely LOVE the cake! Jeez, i can't believe Joe is 7!!! Where has the time gone?!