The faces behind the stories!

The faces behind the stories!
My little Loves.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Goodbye Car Beds...


During our move, we have had to say some goodbyes to some of our things. The boys will be sharing a room in our new house, so we have decided to go with a bunk bed. That means that our cool car beds have had to go to other cool little boys. This morning, Joe's car bed got picked up. I couldn't help but take a "Good Bye" picture, and then of course reflect on our 1st day pictures! Joe's blue bed was adorned with his favorite stickers over time. It had seen Buzz and Woody, some "Keechow"... but finished off it's stay with us with Starbucks and Riverside Police Dept intact.... signs that the boy is ready to be out of a toddler bed!

But, the day we brought it home, he was just under 2 years old and absolutely the perfect fit for such a cool blue car bed:
We are happy that Matthew's bed will be going to a great friend of ours and her handsome little guy. Matthew is happy for his new big boy bed, and for Reese to have the Keechow bed. I love that his heart is content. Unfortunately, I didn't get any great "1st day" pics with Matthew...but I have to throw in a reminder if his first day too!

Goodbye Car Beds, you've served us well!

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