Joe (while in the bath and I'm in my office working on homework): Mama... if you die, will I have a step mother?
Me: I'm not going to die.
Joe: But, do I even HAVE a step mother?"
Me (internally): LOLOL
Me (to Joe): No buddy, the only way you'd ever have a step mother is if Dada married someone else and THAT isn't going to happen!
Joe: So, if Dada wasn't married and married someone else, then THAT would be my Step Mother?
(Not sure where the Step Mother stuff came from, but I thought it was hilarious that he just thought everyone had one out there floating around somewhere) :)
I'm Joe and Matthew's mama... That entitles me to some pretty amazing moments and some incredible stories from their hearts and their brains. I'm so thankful for that, and I hope I am able to take the time and share them with you as often as possible! =) God Bless!
The faces behind the stories!

My little Loves.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
Joe's Apology...
I'm pretty sure I have already blogged about our "Board."
When the boys do something, unbecoming of growing gentlemen, their name is written on the board.
While their name is on the board, they are not allowed to play video games or watch any TV.
They have the power to get their name off the board as quickly as they'd like, by making whatever it is they did wrong... right. This can come in many different fashions, sometimes it's in helping with an extra chore, or being extra good at a time when Mama just really needs it, and sometimes it comes in a written apology. This form is Joe's least favorite and one that he typically absolutely protests doing. He's rather clean his whole room than write an apology.
This morning, though, Joe wanted his name off the board QUICK because he wanted "Some relaxing time" before school. He asked me for a piece of scratch paper and started to write. I heard, "Mama, how do you spell Obey?" With my back to him as I cleaned the kitchen, I smiled and told him. Then I heard, "Mama how do I spell choices?"... Again, with a smile, I told him, "Why don't you go ahead and use Kid spelling and do your best, I enjoy that." So he did.
His note, which he comes up with all on his own, said:
I will not say no to you.
I will not throw a fit.
I will obey you with out throwing a fit.
I will obey you with out saying anything.
I will make smart choices and keep you happy.
Now, that last one kind of stung me a little bit. I know he's been told that it hurts my heart when the wrong choices are made because I don't want things to have to be difficult for him... But, I also don't want him to feel like he has to work really hard to be a "Mama pleaser." It's a tough balance between teaching him how to behave and helping him know I love him no matter what.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed that he took the time to write this to me... even though he threw a fit 30 minutes later! Ha ha ha Good news is, I was able to remind him of his letter and it helped calm the situation much faster than normal! Oh the silver lining!
"Look at my new hair style"
I love this big eyes, and his slightly crooked smile, and his little round nose. <3
Matthew got out of the shower and decided to do his hair (before drying it at all! lol).
When he was done, he proudly showed me his new hair.
Guess who's seen "The Little Rascals" lately!?!
Funny thing is... his hair kind of liked being that way, and his hair normally only likes to go forward. It just might be his permanent new do! :) (not so much)
He enjoyed it equally as much when I "crazy dried" his hair with his towel and it was an awesome mess. :)
Matthew's New Obsession...and, Indians.
Matthew is into belts... He proudly put it on all by himself. :)
He wanted to know if it was a cowboy belt, and said he wanted to be like the guys on GunSmoke! lol The boys enjoy going to watch Gunsmoke with my parents.
What's funny is... We were talking about the neighbors on our road (Aaron and I were), and I mentioned "The Indian man who lives up the street." Joe GASPED! When I said, "Indian," his mind went to Gunsmoke and he was ready for bows and arrows and a shoot out! That CRACKED me up, and I had to bring him up to date! ;)
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Joe's Expression of Love....
Joe: Hey Mama?
Me: Yeah Bud?
Joe: For the record, I love you more than snow.
... Awww, I'll take love from him any way I can get it, and in his mind, he LOVES snow. <3
Me: Yeah Bud?
Joe: For the record, I love you more than snow.
... Awww, I'll take love from him any way I can get it, and in his mind, he LOVES snow. <3
Saturday, March 2, 2013
My Apprentices...
I have my backdrop set up for an upcoming photoshoot, but when I came out of my room... They had found a subject. Joe actually found "Boots" the cat and said, "Look Mama, he's laying nicely for me to take pictures with your backdrop"... and then Matthew ran to get his Leapster too! These boys crack me up! "Chocolate" the cat was not so interested in their plan! lol (Oh, and after all that, Joe's Leapster was out of memory and he couldn't even take a shot! Poor guy! lol)
Friday, March 1, 2013
Dr Suess's Birthday Week :)
After posting this, we got an fun response from Matthew's Great Grandma Lu:
** 3-1-2013 **
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