The faces behind the stories!

The faces behind the stories!
My little Loves.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Well Hello Winter!

I'm getting ready for my first paid photo shoot tomorrow. I'm taking family pictures for a family of four. I've done this so many times now, but it's always been free for friends... It's both exciting and nerve racking to be charging someone... I'm worth it, but it's hard to feel that way. 

When I took these pictures, just for fun... something hit me. I believe lies way too often. I've believed, "You're not that pretty." I've believed, "You really can't do this" or "You know you're not good enough."

This sounds funny/awkward to me... but I have to say it to myself and let you be a part of it... LOOK AT ME!  I'm darn right beautifully made by God, and I take a pretty stinkin cute shot, even when it's of myself! :) I'm working to walk past the lies that try to attach themselves to me, and see what the Lord sees in me!

A Boy's Workstation...

Joe has been waking up early since the time change. When he wakes up at 6:30, I tell him to go enjoy coloring while I enjoy finishing my rest! This morning, he asked if he could have some of the colored paper to work with, and I gladly said yes as I continued my rest. I loved waking up to this...
And then, over the next hour, it progressed:
(Momentary pause for a mustache idea)
I loved that he found his sticker book and used ALL the Garfield stickers to make his house stand, and the trees, and the Igloo (what, did you not see the blue igloo?). He created grass pieces and "taped" them down with the stickers.

WHAT? How did that monster get in my house???

It started to rain outside here, so Joe decided he needed a backdrop (and somehow he knew the name of it! lol)

The Monster is so thankful for the nice cozy house Joe created for him in the rain storm!

(P.s.: I did not touch one piece of paper or help in ANY way... he did it all himself!)

Matthew's scissor cut Giraffe.

Matthew decided to do "Cutting Practice." All of the sudden, he made this piece start to walk and make noises. When I asked what he had made, he said, "It's a Giraffe!" It's pretty funny because I can totally see the Giraffe, minus the rest of the neck and head. Ha ha ha

Joe's New Buddy... Igloo

We recently watched a show about Polar Bears. When I was walking through the grocery store and saw this little guy on a kiosk, I just KNEW he'd be a good replacement for "White Puppy." Luckily, I was right and there are no more tears for the little guy we lost in Pacifica.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Red Tailed Woodpecker!

Matthew was looking at himself in the mirror and I said, "You goofy boy!"
He says, "Mama, don't I look like a woodpecker with the pecker in the back?"
If I could put video on the blog, you'd see his jerking his head back in "pecking" motion!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Hats

My mom has a friend who makes hats for the homeless. She wanted to give our family some hats to keep warm. Matthew and Joe were wearing their hats when Pop got home tonight, so Joe grabbed a hat and went running to Pop. Much to my surprise, Pop was actually willing not only to wear it, but to get down on his knees in front of me for a picture! As you can see, Joe was very pleased. :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Farewell to a Fine Furry Friend...

Joe has had a little white puppy as his bed buddy for the longest time. He LOVED "White Puppy" the most of all.  Not too long ago, we went on a weekend getaway that White Puppy HAD TO come on with us. The only problem is, White Puppy did not make the trip back home. We checked and re-checked the car, we called the hotel 2 times... White Puppy seems to have found a new home.  This is the best picture I could find tonight of White Puppy and Joe:
Tonight, I had to break it to Joe that the hotel was not going to be sending us White Puppy. He made something and said, "I can't wait for White Puppy to get home so I can show him!" I was sad to break the news to him. He instantly began to cry. I had bought him new socks today, so I used them to be goofy and try to cheer him up. I said, "But look, you have new socks!" He said, "That doesn't make it better, Socks get stinky after a while!"

Awww, my poor broken hearted Puppy lover!

Matthew's Favorite Thing...

Matthew has a "thing" for shoes. I didn't know how bad it was, until we stopped by a Nike Factory Outlet store. He thinks Nike makes him SUPER fast, and he HAD TO try on 7 pairs!

When settling on this awesome pair (which happened to be on sale and Mama nudged him in this direction)... He proceeded to beg the man to take the "special tag" off so he could wear them right away!

When we got home, he asked if he could wear them to bed. When I told him he could not, he said, "Could I please go to bed and sleep then, so I can wake up and put my shoes back on?"

Watch out shoe stores... Here he comes!

We've got Spirit, yes we DO!

My boys and their Crazy Hair for Awanas! They had a BLAST!